Professionally and passionately

Our Educators

We, teachers, are researchers and facilitators of the children. Teachers being a facilitator, we inspire, create engaging environments, provide learning opportunities and scaffold their learning.

Our teachers are fully qualified, experienced and have good command of English. We handpicked our teachers so that our teaching pool is built with specialized professionals who are truly passionate in education and equipped with good knowledge of the field.  All our teachers have international school teaching experience. Continuous training and coaching is also given to the teachers to ensure that they are updated with the best practices around the world. With a high: low- teacher: children ratio, the children benefit from close attention from adults.

  • We encourage not only learning within the classroom but beyond which is why we welcome the partnerships with parents as a collaborative effort to give our children the best. 
  • We avoid stifling the learning process, excessive drilling or passive learning which is forcing children to keep quiet and listen.
  • Our ultimate goal is to achieve their fullest potential and make a difference in their lives.


Our philosophy is based on the principles and beliefs in early childhood that are regarded as “Developmentally Appropriate Practices” which are research based and as according to the guidelines of early childhood organization bodies around the world. 

  • We believe education and learning is progressive and there is no quick-fix solution in it. We instill the love of learning in them to cultivate life-long learning dispositions. 
  • We recognize that every child has a unique ability, gifts, talents and different learning styles; therefore, our curriculum is flexible for children at different learning paces.
  • Our motto is “Children come first” which implies that our personal needs should not come in the way of educating our children but their personal needs will be taken care of first. 
  • Every child deserves to be respected, loved and cared for regardless of his/her religion, race or social status. 
  • The educators’ role is to provide challenges and stimulate their inquiring young minds. Educators facilitate their discovery. We support them while the children take charge of solving problems and making decisions. We observe and help them reflect as part of the learning process.

Role as a Parent

  • We strongly believe that parents are the first teacher of every child’s life. Therefore, we regard parents as our partner to help shape the child’s learning journey. We love to collaborate with parents in educating our children. We welcome ideas, feedback and support from parents. We communicate with parents regularly. Parent-teacher meetings happen after every term.