Admission Criteria and Policy

Stardom School of Yangon offers classes from KG to Grade-9 with the world-class curriculum and dual pathway quality education while experiencing campus life in a better environment that can support students’ learning journeys.

Our admission entry criteria for new students are based on the followings
Students who are existing pre-kg student from SLSB will be admitted based on teachers’
recommendation and observation report for kindergarten classes.
Students will be admitted based on their academic reports or placement tests and interview by
All new students will have to sit for the placement tests.

KGMust be 5 years old on 31st August, 2023.
Grade-1Must be 6 years old on 31st August, 2023.
Grade-2Must be 7 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-3Must be 8 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-4Must be 9 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-5Must be 10 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-6Must be 11 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-7Must be 12 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-8Must be 13 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)
Grade-9Must be 14 years old on 31st August, 2023.
(Must have a government transfer certificate.)

Placement Test Policy

  1. The Stardom School of Yangon’s placement test (English, Math) is required for all
    KG students.
  2. For Grade-1 student who haven’t attended KG will be required to take placement
    test (English, Math).
  3. The placement test for math is not necessary for students who attended the
    international school /private school (four core subjects in their curriculum) in the
    previous academic year on campus. The student will require to produce
    recommendation letter/certificate of completion as proof of attendance.
  4. Students who have transferred from public schools, online program schools, and
    homeschooling must take a placement test (English, Math).