School fee structure
Stardom School of Yangon
2023-2024 Academic Year School Fees Schedule
Registration Fees : Upon registration, New students are required to pay registration fees (MMK 100,000) to School
and submit with the application form together with parents IC and other documents stated in the registration form.
The parents of existing students will enjoy the registration fees waiver.
Terms & Conditions
- The school fee is not included for evening classes, enrichment programs, summer programs & other
programs. - Registration Fee is not refundable.
- Students are eligible for a 5% discount if you make a single payment for the full Academic year.
- Students who pay school fees in February are entitled to a 5% discount on the amount paid.
- Students are eligible for 5% off for two siblings and 10% off for three siblings & above.
- Students who had attended the online learning for a year during first Covid are eligible for 10% discount.
- Current old students are eligible for a 5% discount.
- Every new student will be charged 20,000 MMK for the placement test fees.
School Fees Policy
- School Fees & Annual Curriculum Fees is not returned in the event of withdrawal
- School Fees does not include uniforms or other item. (eg ; Field Trips, Sport, Music instrument.)
- School Fees does not include books to be purchased by student.
- School fees can be paid in three installments for Academic Year.
Books Fee
- Book Fees are not compulsory.
- Students can choose to buy books for all subjects or select a few from the lists.
- Should the students opt not to buy the print version, we will arrange to supply materials as they require
weekly. (Charges will be 150,000 MMK) - When the students are participating in the standardized tests from above, students will be liable to pay for
the fees incurred.
School Bus Fees
- School bus fees will need to be paid upon enrolling the term.
- School bus fees will need to be paid monthly.
- Should the child miss the school due to illness, travel or other reasons we regret that the school will not
reimburse the fees. - There will be no cash compensated for closure of school holidays and public holidays.There will be no cash compensated for closure of school holidays and public holidays.